Dog Daycare Boarding

Dog Park  Grooming

& Beer

Paws & Brews Policies

We are dedicated to creating a safe, enjoyable, and welcoming environment for all our guests—both two-legged and four-legged. To ensure a positive experience for everyone, we’ve established a set of guidelines and policies that promote safety, cleanliness, and fun. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with our rules and procedures, which are designed to protect the well-being of our patrons and their pets. Thank you for helping us maintain a friendly and secure space where humans and dogs can bond and enjoy their time together.

(Must be signed before your stay/visit)

Our Policies

Dog Entry Requirements for Dog Park

- Must be current on vaccinations (Rabies, DHLPP/Da2PP and Bordetella).
- Must be properly socialized for group play.
- Must be at least 12 weeks old.
-Must have an ID tag at all times.

Do NOT feed your dog, bring food or treats for your dog, or feed any other dogs.

Absolutely no toys or balls, as these can trigger resource guarding behaviors among otherwise friendly dogs.
Puppies who are under 25 lbs AND under six months of age are allowed in the Small Dog Park only, or on one of our on-leash patios. This is because puppies of that age and size may not have the experience or physical ability to play safely among large adult dogs. Once your puppy is over 25lbs or 6 months of age, they are permitted to play in the All Dog Park

Incidents in the Dog Park - What to Expect

Although we do our best to create a safe environment for people and dogs in our park, it is impossible to eliminate all risks in an off-leash dog park and incidents will inevitably happen. The purpose of this document is to provide a quick summary of how we respond to such incidents, and to give you an idea of what to expect next.

In the event of an incident, our Rufferee will respond as quickly as possible, with an immediate goal of separating the dogs as quickly and safely as possible. We appreciate your allowing the Rufferee to do their job without interference.

If necessary, in the discretion of the Rufferee one or more dogs may be removed from the general off-leash area to one of our on-leash patios or “First Aid/Time Out” areas to calm down and/or for further evaluation. Again, we appreciate our guests accepting the judgment of the Rufferee.

Although our staff are not medical or veterinary professionals, if basic first aid is required for any dog or human, our “First Aid/Time Out” areas are equipped with basic first aid supplies.

If medical attention is required beyond basic first aid for any human or dog, we advise that such human or dog be taken to an urgent care facility for immediate professional medical attention. We can provide a list of such facilities in the immediate vicinity.

After making sure that the incident is resolved safely and any immediate basic first aid needs are addressed, our staff will complete an Incident Report. This will involve collecting the names and contact information for any dogs or humans involved in the incident. Any witness to an incident may also complete a Witness Statement which will then be included with our own Incident Report.

In their discretion, the Rufferee may ask that one or more dogs be removed from the off-leash area until further discussion/evaluation can take place. We will of course return any entry fees that were paid. We ask that our guests please accept the Rufferee determination in such cases. Paws N Brews management will be happy to speak to the owners to discuss the situation and appropriate next steps.

Upon request, Paws N Brews will share the Incident Report with any of the persons involved, including contact information for the dog owners involved. Paws N Brews cannot be responsible for any costs, expenses or other damages resulting from any incidents in the park. Any discussion of reimbursement for veterinary expenses or other compensation will be entirely between the parties involved.

In the event the incident involves a dog biting a person in such a manner as to break the skin, Paws N Brews may be required to notify one of the city’s regulatory agencies. This may result in that agency reaching out to contact the dog’s owner and other persons involved to determine if any further action is required.

Following the incident, Paws N Brews management will discuss what if any further action needs to be taken. This could include requiring that a dog and owner meet with a professional dog trainer before the dog is permitted to return to Paws N Brews. Paws N Brews will communicate with all parties involved in as professional and transparent a manner as possible.

4565 Seltice Way
Post Falls ID, 83854